martes, 31 de marzo de 2020

Spring Vocabulary

Hello boys and girls!

How are you?

Le's remember the seasons. There are four seasons in a year: SPRING, SUMMER, AUTUMN AND WINTER

Now, we are in SPRING!!!!

What is your favourite season? 

My favourite season is ............................

Here are some words about SPRING. 


TODOS (1º, 2º, 3º primaria) tenéis que hacer 2 frases  con las dos palabras que elijáis de la primavera.
Por ejemplo. 
  • I see the yellow sun. 
  • There are three eggs in the nest. 

Además, os dejo tres juegos que he creado para que podáis practicar el vocabulario. Tenéis que hacer Clic encima del dibujo.

See you soon! 

20 comentarios:

  1. Hello Sara I am alae
    Mis dos frases son:
    One bird flys next to the rainbow
    In the spring are many bees
    Un saludo alae 😘😘;)

    1. Hi Alae!

      One bird FLIES next to the rainbow.
      In spring THERE are many bees.

      Fantastic! ;)

  2. Soy alae and my favorit season is summer

  3. I am Rabeea and my favorit season is summer
    And the phases is:
    1.There ar rainbow bicos ar sunny and raining.
    2.In the puddle ar yellow ducks.

    Un saludo sara y a todos los de grupo 1 aunque estamos en casa😷😥😩

    1. Hello Rabeea!

      The sentences: (no phases)

      1. There IS a rainbow BECAUSE IT IS sunny and rainy.
      2. In the puddle THERE are yellow ducks.

      Very good sentences! :)

      Un saludo también para ti y tu familia. ¡Mucho ánimo! ¡ya queda un día menos!

  4. I am jana
    1- the ladybug is red and black.
    2- I like the rainbow.

  5. I am ghazal.
    1-I love the flowers.
    2- I like the Spring.

  6. Hola Sara soy Shahwayz my favorite season is summer y las frases son:
    1۰In spring the sun sunshine
    2۰The umbrella has the coloes like the rainbow

    1. Shawayz pero que tarde te metes a la cama. ¡Es importante descansar!

      1. In spring the children play in the sunshine (sun and sunshine are similar)
      2.the umbrella has MANY colours like the rainbow.

      Very good sentences!!

  7. Hellow I am yassmin,my favourite season is spring.

  8. Hola soy yassmin mis frases son:the bird put the egg in the nest.
    In sping there are maby flowers.

    1. -The bird putS the egg in the nest or the bird LAYS the egg in the nest
      (Acuérdate de que "the bird" = it)

      Después de HE, SHE, IT ------ add -S to the verb

  9. Soy yassmin no quería escribir maby quería escribir many.

  10. Hello Sara,

    My favourite season is Winter.

    1º I like rainbow.
    2ºI like butterfly.

    Un saludo, Gabriel.

    1. Great!

      1. I like THE rainbow.
      2. I like butterflIES or I like A butterfly.
