viernes, 8 de mayo de 2020

1º, 2º y 3º de primaria

Hello everybody!

1º primaria

Activity 1:

Activity 2

Hacer click en la imagen y no os olvidéis de mandármelo como os indico en el vídeo. 

Mi email:

El primer ejercicio podéis dejármelo en comentarios con vuestro nombre o mandármelo a mi correo. 

2º primaria 

Activity 1: Look at the picture and write 4 sentences.

For example:
  •  I  see a tiger in the park 
  • There is an old woman on the bench
Podéis dejármelo en comentarios con vuestro nombre o mandármelo a mi email. 

Activity 2
Click on the picture and choose Yes or No
(No os olvidéis de darle a enviar respuestas a mi profesor como os explique el otro día) 

Mi email:

Activity 3:
Dance and have fun!

3º primaria 

Activity 1: Look at the picture and write 6 sentences.

For example:
  •  I  see a stripy orange tiger in the big park 
  • There is an old woman on the bench
Podéis dejármelo en comentarios con vuestro nombre o mandármelo a mi email. 

Activity 2
Click on the picture and read.
(No os olvidéis de darle a enviar respuestas a mi profesor como os explique el otro día) 

Mi email:

Activity 3:
Dance and have fun!

14 comentarios:

  1. Hola soy Rabeea
    1.The girl play whit the ball.
    2.The boy play whit the dog.
    3.There are forest
    4.There is sunny

    un saludo

    1. Hello Rabeea!

      1.The girl PLAYS WITH the ball.
      2. The boy PLAYS WITH the dog.
      3. There IS a forest.
      4. IT IS sunny.

      Have a nice weekend! ;)

  2. Hello I am Cristian.

    1. The girl blow a bathtub.
    2. He have a dog.
    3. I see two suns.
    4. There is a hippopotamus.


    1. Hello Cristian!

      1. The girl FLIES a bathtub (Very good!)
      2. He HAS a dog
      3. CORRECT
      4. CORRECT.

      Nice job! ;)

  3. Hello I am Hashir

    1. Three are in the park.
    2. The girl play with de ball.
    3. The lake is little.
    4. there are many trees

    1. 1. THERE ARE three CHILDREN in the park
      2. The girl PLAYS with the ball.
      3. The lake is little (good!)
      4. Correct!

      Good job! ;)

  4. Hello, I am Ghazal
    1. I see two dogs in the park
    2. I see two girls
    3. I see two suns
    4. I see a many trees

    1. 4. a=1 I SEE MANY TREES

      Puedes utilizar diferentes expresiones como

      There are two girls
      The sun is in the sky

      ó añadir adjetivos como:
      I see many GREEN trees.

      Un saludo!

  5. Hello! I am Alae
    Today is Friday 8th of may of 2020
    1. There is a hippotamus un the lake
    2. I see a orange stripy tiger with a girl 3. There are some many trees
    4. The grandmother is eating a Apple
    5. The boy caress the dog hes grandmother
    6. The girl is flying hero shower kite
    Un saludo Alae❤🧡💛💚💙💜🖤🌈🎀

    1. 2. I see AN orange ...
      3. There are some trees /There are many trees
      4. The grandmother is eating AN apple
      5. The boy WALKS THE DOG WITH HIS grandmother
      6. The girl is flying a bathtub

      Acuérdate, si el "noun" empieza por vocal ponemos An no A
      I see an elephant
      I see a tiger

  6. Hola Sara soy Reda
    I see many trees.
    I see a sun in the Sky.
    I see a girl playing football.
    I see a boy with his dog.
    I see many animals.
    I see a girl playing with a kite.

    Un saludo Reda😀😀😀

    1. Very good Reda!

      Las frases estan genial, pero podías haberlas hecho diferentes...

      There is /There are
      I see
      The girl...

      Un saludo!

  7. Hello teacher I am Armaan.
    1. There are many trees in the park.
    2. There is a lake in the park.
    3. There are two suns.
    4. I can see three dogs in the park.
